是次計劃是兒童福祉及發展資助計劃之一(Project Number/Code: 2022A016 [CoC] / 2022-00-75-CWDF220501 [TWC]), 由兒童事務委員會贊助。

陳自強教授 (東華學院人文學院院長)
Professor Alex Chi-keung CHAN
Alex has been devoting himself to advocate rigorous research and evidence-based practice in positive psychology. He has been actively engaging in school-based and community-based projects and workshops to promote positive education and strength-based approaches to support mental health and well-being of teachers, parents, children, youth, elderly people, and the wider community. His research interests also include cyberpsychology and positive technologies by applying positive psychology theories and scientific approaches to develop interventions to alleviate online risky behaviors as well as using emerging technologies to cultivate strengths, build resilience, and support human flourishing.
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.twc.edu.hk/en/Academic_Units/ARH/our_staff/academic_staff/page/alexckchan

Dr. Paul Yau Ho WONG
Dr. Paul Wong has substantial teaching experience in tertiary education, with specialization in children with diverse needs and child health promotion. He believes that teaching is best when students find the process of learning joyful and meaningful. He also believes that effective teaching is learned, and research is pivotal to inform best teaching. These beliefs always guide him to achieve excellence in teaching to students.
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.twc.edu.hk/en/Academic_Units/ARH/our_staff/academic_staff/page/paulwong

馮詩韻女士 (東華學院人文學院高級講師)
Ms. Serena Sze Wun FUNG
Serena has substantial teaching experience in both tertiary and pre-primary sector. She is experienced in running play and multicultural projects. Her work included training local Chinese pre-service and in-service kindergarten teachers to become confident and competent practitioners in teaching children with the theory and practice of play, and training NCS teenagers to become teaching assistants in kindergartens. Her expertise in learning and teaching in early childhood education will add a dash of glamour to her research areas of play and multicultural projects.
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.twc.edu.hk/en/Academic_Units/ARH/our_staff/academic_staff/page/serenafung
安虹小姐 (計劃助理)
Ms. Amy ON (Project Assistant)
李詠儀小姐 (行政助理經理)
Ms. Winniea LEE (Administration Assistant Manager)
呂菁菁小姐 (技術行政助理)
Ms. Cindy LU (Technical Administration Assistant)
電郵 : [email protected] (有關計劃)
[email protected] (東華學院人文學院)